Ayurvedic Massage



Massage characterised by harmonious and enveloping movements emphasized by the use of warm oil enriched with personalized essences. The relaxing and draining effect gives a sense of general psycho-physical well-being.
Duration 50 minutes


Condizioni di annullamento trattamenti prenotati: I trattamenti non disdetti con almeno 24 ore di anticipo verranno addebitati automaticamente


Massage characterised by harmonious and enveloping movements emphasized by the use of warm oil enriched with personalized essences. The relaxing and draining effect gives a sense of general psycho-physical well-being.
Duration 50 minutes


Cancellation conditions booked treatments:
Treatments not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance will be charged automatically


Contact us

Relilax Boutique Hotel & Spa

Piazza Roma 19
35036 – Montegrotto Terme (PD)

Telefono: +39 049 8911755
Fax: +39 049 8911678
Email: info@relilax.com
Phone: +39 049 8911755
Fax: +39 049 8911678
Email: info@relilax.com