Day Spa Gift Voucher
The 5-star Day Spa Gift Vouchers are a perfect and always welcome gift, a gift dedicated to the well-being of the person to whom you want to offer an exclusive thought that will surely remain in your heart.
Click here to see all Relilax Day Spas
Vouchers can be paid by credit card/paypal.
Abano and Montegrotto Terme are Europe’s largest thermal resorts and our waters are magical and beneficial.
With the Vouchers you will be able to reserve your place at Relilax Spa by choosing your day spa directly from the calendar on the site
La Spa Terme di Relilax è aperta al pubblico tutti i giorni dalle 10.00 alle 24.00 con innumerevoli attività di benessere incluse nel biglietto d’entrata: la piscina “le palme, con rivestimento agli Ioni d’argento,la piscina TermaleArdesia, mini pool idromassaggi, sauna finlandese e bio-sauna, bagno turco, docce emozionali, percorso emozionale e zone Relax con wifi. Al vostro arrivo vi verranno consegnati due teli spugna ed un accappatoio* che potrete usare sul lettino o per la sauna. (*su disponibilità)Prezzi
Prezzi giornalieri & serali per piscine e terme 2022 Vi ricordiamo che l’unico modo per poter prenotare ed avere garantito il posto è acquistando un Voucher.Entrate giornaliere (10.00 – 24.00)
- Dal lunedì al giovedì con Voucher o senza: € 50
- Venerdì, sabato, domenica e festivi: € 70
- Sabato e Domenica festivi e prefestivi nel periodo invernale day spa con massaggio da 25min: € 132
Entrate serali (19.00 alle 24.00)
- Dalla domenica al giovedì €40
- Venerdì, sabato e festivi € 50
- Venerdì e sabato con cena al Bistrot € 90
Shop on line
Come acquisto il Voucher?
Potete acquistare il Voucher, che vi arriverà tramite email, allo shop Relilax compra un Voucher Nel sito troverete un calendario con le disponibilità nel vostro giorno prescelto, per altre info potete scrivere a info@relilax.comDescription
Abano and Montegrotto Terme are Europe’s largest thermal resorts and our waters are magical and beneficial.
With the Vouchers you will be able to reserve your place at Relilax Spa by choosing your day spa directly from the calendar on the site
The Spa Terme di Relilax is open to the public every day from 10 a.m. to midnight, with countless wellness activities included in the entrance ticket: the ‘palm’ pool, with silver ion coating, the thermal slate pool, mini whirlpools, Finnish and bio saunas, Turkish baths, experience showers, emotional path and relaxation areas with wifi.
On arrival you will be given two towels and a bathrobe* that you can use on the lounger or in the sauna.
(*on availability)
Daily & evening prices for pools and spas 2022
Please note that the only way to book and be guaranteed a place is by purchasing a Voucher.
Daily entries (10 a.m. – midnight)
- Monday to Thursday with Voucher or without: € 50
- Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: € 70
- Saturday and Sunday holidays and pre-holidays in the winter period day spa with 25min massage: € 132
(during winter weekends, bookings for daily access are only accepted in combination with wellness treatments at the Relilax Centre)
for prices and availability click here
Evening entrances (7 pm to midnight)
- Sunday to Thursday €40
- Fridays, Saturdays and holidays € 50
- Friday and Saturday with dinner at the Bistrot € 90
Back-up room available on request and subject to availability € 80 per person (not possible until 1 October)
* *nb: daily access is only possible for guests aged 16 and over.
for prices and availability click here
Shop on line
In our online shop you will find many ‘5-star day spa’ proposals that include access to the spa and pools and treatments
How do I purchase the Voucher?
You can purchase the Voucher, which you will receive by email, at the Relilax shop buy a Voucher
On the site you will find a calendar with availability on your chosen day, for further information please write to