”Night Light Massage” Relilax®
€ 130,00
(dalle ore 21 in poi)
(from 9:00 PM onwards)
The experience of the Acqua MassaggioEllness Relila Massaggio Massage set up in the special night setting enriched with perfumes and candles.
Duration 50 minutes
Condizioni di annullamento trattamenti prenotati:
I trattamenti non disdetti con almeno 24 ore di anticipo verranno addebitati automaticamente
The experience of the Acqua MassaggioEllness Relila Massaggio Massage set up in the special night setting enriched with perfumes and candles.
Duration 50 minutes
Cancellation conditions booked treatments:
Treatments not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance will be charged automatically