
Relilax Mini Detox Treatment Package 2025

Original price was: € 774,00.Current price is: € 710,00.

A mini detox to regenerate and offer our body a healthy purifying course, with our AlcaRelilax DETOX system, which will allow us to charge our body with energy to be even fitter and full of positive energy, naturally raising our immune defences.

“Mini Detox Relilax 2024” è composto da una combo di trattamenti pensati per un soggiorno di 3 notti ed è escluso dei pernottamenti. In fase di prenotazione e informazioni potrete aggiungere la stanza che preferite e formulare così il costo totale. Prenota direttamente qui al prezzo più conveniente la camera da abbinare a questo percorso.

‘Mini Detox Relilax 2025’ consists of a treatment combo designed for a 3-night stay and excludes overnight stays.
During the booking and information phase, you can add the room you prefer and thus formulate the total cost.
Book the room to go with this route directly here at the lowest price.


This spa offer includes a range of targeted treatments and unlimited use of the spa and thermal pools.
The Detox Diet aims to eliminate toxins from our body and consists of: Detox breakfast, ‘liquid lunch’ with raw extracts and Detox dinner.
This path can be the perfect stimulus to evolve one’s own eating style, to bring home a small baggage of new opportunities to feel good. The Dietitian, if you wish, will continue to follow you from home, suggesting the best way to continue with your goal and maintain the result obtained.


Pacchetto trattamenti “Mini Detox Relilax” 2024

Visita medica con il Direttore Sanitario
Visita con la dietista, esame B.I.A
1 Trattamento corpo ”New Rituale Relilax® corpo” da 50′ Il Primo di tutti i trattamenti corpo che leviga la pelle con un aromatico e rilassante massaggio esfoliante, donando al derma una profonda idratazione.
1 Fango Vivo® curativo termale Applicazione di Fango Vivo® termale localizzata
1 Bagno termali all’ozono dinamizzato Bagno rigenerante in vasca individuale, con acqua termale ozonizzata con effetto ossigenante, rilassante e rivitalizzante
2 Fango Vivo® Fegato Top Cataplasma depurativo e disintossicante per il fegato con applicazione di fango Vivo® termale e tintura madre di Achillea
Massaggio “AlcaRelilax®” da 50’ Trattamento realizzato con una speciale spazzola con setole naturali dai profondi effetti depurativi, sulla circolazione sanguigna e linfatica per un benefico effetto di ricambio energetico.
2 Massaggi linfodrenanti secondo metodo Vodder da 50′ Massaggio dalle manualità delicate ed efficaci per riattivare il flusso linfatico permettendo l’effetto drenante e detossinante
1 Grotta termale con bendaggi L’ospite viene prima fasciato dolcemente con bende imbevute di sali  e accompagnato nella grotta termale, dove rimane dai dieci ai venti minuti, a seconda della sua tolleranza. Il calore termale favorisce l’assorbimento dei sali e quindi localmente un aumento della circolazione sanguigna, con conseguente accelerazione del metabolismo dei grassi.Il sudore che si produce durante la grotta favorisce l’eliminazione di tossine dall’organismo e ne migliora anche le funzioni immunitarie e favorisce lo smaltimento di metalli pesanti.
1 Msoterapia drenante Terapia realizzata utilizzando rimedi omeopatici con tecnica iniettiva sotto-cutanea Indicata per inestetismi da adiposità localizzata. (anche in soggetti allergici e/o in terapia farmacologica).


This spa offer includes a range of targeted treatments and unlimited use of the spa and thermal pools.
The Detox Diet aims to eliminate toxins from our body and consists of: Detox breakfast, ‘liquid lunch’ with raw extracts and Detox dinner.
This path can be the perfect stimulus to evolve one’s own eating style, to bring home a small baggage of new opportunities to feel good. The Dietitian, if you wish, will continue to follow you from home, suggesting the best way to continue with your goal and maintain the result obtained.


Relilax Mini Detox Treatment Package 2025

Medical examination with the Medical Director

Visit with dietician, B.I.A. examination

1 50′ ‘New Relilax® Body Ritual’ body treatment
The first of all body treatments that smoothes the skin with an aromatic and relaxing exfoliating massage, giving the dermis deep hydration.

1 Fango Vivo® healing thermal mud
Localised thermal Fango Vivo® application

1 Energised ozone thermal bath
Regenerating bath in an individual tub with ozonated thermal water with an oxygenating, relaxing and revitalising effect

2 Fango Vivo® Liver Top
Purifying and detoxifying liver poultice with application of thermal fango Vivo® and yarrow mother tincture

1 50′ AlcaRelilax® massage
Treatment using a special brush with natural bristles with deep cleansing effects on the blood and lymph circulation for a beneficial energy exchange effect.

2 Vodder method lymphatic drainage massages of 50′
Massage with gentle and effective manual movements to reactivate the lymphatic flow, enabling a draining and detoxifying effect

1 Thermal cave with wraps
The guest is first gently wrapped with salt-soaked bandages and accompanied into the thermal grotto, where he stays for ten to twenty minutes, depending on his tolerance. The thermal heat promotes the absorption of salts and thus locally an increase in blood circulation, resulting in an acceleration of fat metabolism.The sweat produced during the grotto promotes the elimination of toxins from the body and also improves its immune functions and aids the disposal of heavy metals.

1 Mesotherapy drainage
Therapy using homeopathic remedies with a subcutaneous injection technique Indicated for imperfections caused by localised adiposity. (also in allergic individuals and/or those undergoing drug therapy).


Contact us

Relilax Boutique Hotel & Spa

Piazza Roma 19
35036 – Montegrotto Terme (PD)

Telefono: +39 049 8911755
Fax: +39 049 8911678
Email: info@relilax.com
Phone: +39 049 8911755
Fax: +39 049 8911678
Email: info@relilax.com