Treatments package “AlcaRelilax Evolution” 2025
€ 3.849,00 Original price was: € 3.849,00.€ 3.270,00Current price is: € 3.270,00.
AlcaRelilax Evolution: the new formula for wellness
Drenate, depurate and detoxinate: these are the steps of an exclusive program, which not only helps to lose weight, but also to mantain a general state of wellness and health-awareness.
“AlcaRelilax Evolution 2024” is a combo of treatments, created for a 12 nights stay, and not included in the accomodation.
During the booking and information process you can add the room you prefer and formulate the total price.
Have you ever heard of body burden? It is the sum of accumulated toxins, an obstacle which doesn’t allow our body to mantain the correct energetic balance. The consequences? A feeling of tiredness, of general discomfort, with a consequent weight gain (without an apparent motivation), where our skin loses brightness and tone.
There are plenty of causes: endogenous, for example a metabolism, which is not working properly, or exogenous, like breathing polluted air, taking medications, living in unhealthy environments, having a stressed life, eating foods with addictives, colorants and pesticides…
We are constantly overexposed to nocive substances, and although our body is a marvellous machine able to implement “auto-detox” mechanisms, when there are too many accumulated toxins and it is not able to eliminate them, it has to be helped.
Our bodys acidosis inhibits the organism ability to aximilate nutritive substances, to product new cells, to depurate and to repair the damaged tissues.
It is mainly caused by a wrong life style, thinking and eating:
- Negative emotions (anger, preoccupations, fear, stress)
- Smoke, absence of rest, phisical activity, superficial breathing, use of medications
- Alcohol absuntion, wine vinegar, coffee, sugar, animals proteins, cooked oils, processed foods, processed carbs
We propose this process, suitable for a 12 nights diet stay, composed by integrated treatments, which have the purpose to depurate the organism from the acidity and the waste producted by pollution, an incorrect life style and way of eating.
To further guarantee the success of this program, in the price are included 2 nights stay, to use after six weeks, where it is possible to verify with the dietician the obtained progresses, to riformulate your diet and to keep on going with your wellness process.
Pacchetto trattamenti “AlcaRelilax Evolution” 2024
Visita Medica con il Direttore Sanitario per ammissione alle cure termali e assistenza per tutto il periodoVisita con la dietista, esame B.I.A e assistenza giornaliera su appuntamento
Kit AlcaRelilax Evolution: integratori e tisane al tavolo, cartine tornasole, diario, acqua AlcaRelilax, borraccia
Analisi del sangue: minerali e cortisolo
1 Trattamento corpo ”Rituale Relilax® corpo” da 50′ Il Primo di tutti i trattamenti corpo che leviga la pelle con un aromatico e rilassante massaggio esfoliante, donando al derma una profonda idratazione.
1 Trattamento viso “Rituale Thermae Relilax®” da 50min Sinergia tra trattamento e pulizia Trattamento d’ingresso ad ogni percorso di bellezza, necessario a detossinare e ossigenare i tessuti preparandoli ai trattamenti successivi. La pelle apparirà compatta, luminosa e priva di impurità
1 Trattamento viso personalizzato da 50 min
1 Rituale Relilax Tricologie Andremo a purificare la cute e a prepararla per ricevere i nutrimenti di cui ha bisogno grazie anche alle proprietà ricche e fondamentali del nostro fango Vivo Relilax®, per ottenere una cute pulita, idratata e fresca.
6 Fango Vivo® curativo termale Applicazione di Fango Vivo® termale localizzata
6 Bagni termali all’ozono dinamizzato Bagno rigenerante in vasca individuale, con acqua termale ozonizzata con effetto ossigenante, rilassante e rivitalizzante
4 Grotte termali con bendaggi L’ospite viene prima fasciato dolcemente con bende imbevute di sali e accompagnato nella grotta termale, dove rimane dai dieci ai venti minuti, a seconda della sua tolleranza. Il calore termale favorisce l’assorbimento dei sali e quindi localmente un aumento della circolazione sanguigna, con conseguente accelerazione del metabolismo dei grassi.Il sudore che si produce durante la grotta favorisce l’eliminazione di tossine dall’organismo e ne migliora anche le funzioni immunitarie e favorisce lo smaltimento di metalli pesanti.
5 Fango Vivo® Fegato Top Cataplasma depurativo e disintossicante per il fegato con applicazione di fango Vivo® termale e tintura madre di Achillea
4 Fango Vivo® New Intensive personalizzato Relilax Applicazione localizzata di fango Vivo® termale prelevato direttamente dalle nostre vasche di maturazione ed arricchito con preparati cosmetici specifici per una azione modellante, rassodante e coadiuvante nel trattamento della cellulite.
2 Massaggio “AlcaRelilax®” da 50’ Trattamento realizzato con una speciale spazzola con setole naturali dai profondi effetti depurativi, sulla circolazione sanguigna e linfatica per un benefico effetto di ricambio energetico.
4 Massaggi linfodrenanti secondo metodo Vodder da 50′ Massaggio dalle manualità delicate ed efficaci per riattivare il flusso linfatico permettendo l’effetto drenante e detossinante
4 mesoterapia drenante Terapia realizzata utilizzando rimedi omeopatici con tecnica iniettiva sotto-cutanea Indicata per inestetismi da adiposità localizzata. (anche in soggetti allergici e/o in terapia farmacologica).
5 sedute di “Sweet fitness” da 40min
Visita medica di congedo
2 Notti (da usufruire dopo 6 settimane)*+ BIA + nuova dieta
Have you ever heard of body burden? It is the sum of accumulated toxins, an obstacle which doesn’t allow our body to mantain the correct energetic balance. The consequences? A feeling of tiredness, of general discomfort, with a consequent weight gain (without an apparent motivation), where our skin loses brightness and tone.
There are plenty of causes: endogenous, for example a metabolism, which is not working properly, or exogenous, like breathing polluted air, taking medications, living in unhealthy environments, having a stressed life, eating foods with addictives, colorants and pesticides…
We are constantly overexposed to nocive substances, and although our body is a marvellous machine able to implement “auto-detox” mechanisms, when there are too many accumulated toxins and it is not able to eliminate them, it has to be helped.
Our bodys acidosis inhibits the organism ability to aximilate nutritive substances, to product new cells, to depurate and to repair the damaged tissues.
It is mainly caused by a wrong life style, thinking and eating:
- Negative emotions (anger, preoccupations, fear, stress)
- Smoke, absence of rest, phisical activity, superficial breathing, use of medications
- Alcohol absuntion, wine vinegar, coffee, sugar, animals proteins, cooked oils, processed foods, processed carbs
We propose this process, suitable for a 12 nights diet stay, composed by integrated treatments, which have the purpose to depurate the organism from the acidity and the waste producted by pollution, an incorrect life style and way of eating.
To further guarantee the success of this program, in the price are included 2 nights stay, to use after six weeks, where it is possible to verify with the dietician the obtained progresses, to riformulate your diet and to keep on going with your wellness process.
Treatments package “AlcaRelilax Evolution” 2025
Medical examination with our Doctor for the admission to the thermal treatments and assistance for the duration of the stay.
Visit with our dietican, B.I.A. exam and daily assistance by appointment.
Kit AlcaRelilax Evolution: litmus paper, diary, Alcarelilax water and water bottle.
Blood test: minerals and cortisol.
1 ”Terme Relilax®” ritual body treatment 50 min
The foremost among all our body treatments, it revitalizes, hydrates and smoothes skin with an exfoliatingaromatherapy massage.
1 ”Terme Relilax®” ritual face treatment 50 min
Synergy between treatment and cleansing.
Preliminary step for each beauty treatment, necessary to detoxify and oxygenate the tissues and prepare them for subsequent procedures. Your skin will appear firm, bright and free of impurities.
1 Personalized face treament 50 min
1 Relilax Tricologie Ritual
Personalized treatment for the cure of the hair and the scalp, which uses the Relilax® Fango Vivo, which gives to the hair bulb its precious mineral salts, working in synergy with the solution “Purificare Relilax®”, offering a real detoxifying effect to the scalp. The obtained result is a voluminous hair and stronger lenghts.
6 Customized traditional therapeutic Fango Vivo®
Localized application of thermal Fango Vivo®.
6 Thermal ozone bath
Restorative bath in individual tub with ozonized thermal water, which has an oxigenating, relaxing and rejuvenatingeffect.
4 Bandages in the sweat cave with thermal vapours
The guest is sweetly wrapped with linen bandages, soaked in salts and than accompained in the thermal sweat cave, from 10 to 20 minutes depending on the client’s tollerance.
The combined action of the heat and the salts, allows the increase of the circulation allowing the reduction of metabolism fats and cellulite.
5 Liver Top Fango Vivo®
Cleansing and detoxifying poultice for the liver with the application of thermal Fango Vivo® and Yarrow mother tincture.
4 Relilax intensive Fango Vivo®
The foremost among all our body treatments, it revitalizes, hydrates and smoothes skin with an exfoliating aromatherapy massage.
2 “AlcaRelilax®” Massage 50 min
Treatment that uses a special natural-bristle brush with deep detoxifying, blood and lymphatic circulation effects, promoting cell turnover.
4 Lymphatic Drainage massage Vodder Method 50 min
Massage that uses gentle and effective strokes to reactivate the lymphatic flow, with a decongestant and detoxifying effect.
4 Lymphatic drainage mesotherapy
Therapy realized using homeophatic remedies with a subcutaneous injection tecnique, suggested for venous-lymphatic stasis and cellulite (also for clients with allergies and/or on medication).
5 Individual “Sweet fitness” Relilax lessons 40min
Sweet gymnastic and motorial activity.
Final medical examination visit
2 Nights stay (to use after 6 weeks)*+ BIA + new diet program
Contact us
Relilax Boutique Hotel & Spa
Piazza Roma 19
35036 – Montegrotto Terme (PD)