The fantastic brushing method is long-standing; being introduced in the west by Abbott Sebastian Kneipp in the mid-1800s.
The idea was to apply this brushing method to all those who did not feel the benefits of alternating between hot and cold baths or who could not raise their body temperature, and it is also a simple and effective way to promote the elimination of toxins form the body.
At Relilax we have “devised” a treatment based on this practice and called it AlcaRelilax® Massage
It is a new experience devised and created upon request by our guests and our desire to evolve continuously.
The “Magic Brushstroke” is a fundamental part of this treatment, which induces pleasure and permits us to move energy in the direction of change and the memories of wellness, happiness and positive experiences.
Nature has equipped us with a nervous system that is entirely dedicated to caresses, where neurons are not only activated at the moment one is caressed, but they also produce the sensation of gratification and relaxation in the brain. This results in a particularly important effect in treating our bodies as “self-healing processes”are stimulated, potentially always at our disposal but not activated due to stress and little or no dedication to “relaxation”.
The “cuddle sensors” are distributed on the skin and require slow and delicate movements to be activated.
In order to stimulate this effect, we have integrated and created an ad hoc treatment, including the use of a particular natural silk fiber brush that produces the pleasant sensation of a “brush stroke caress” along the entire body, which aids relaxation by precisely activating that nervous system at times forgotten.
The “Magic Brushstroke”is a fundamental part of this treatment, which induces pleasure and permits us to move energy in the direction of change and the memories of wellness, happiness and positive experiences.
This treatment also makes us aware of those “forgotten” parts that are infrequently caressed; it restores what our body is able to feel by letting us replicate pleasant sensations.
Following this treatment here at Relilax, you can purchase the brush to bring back home, which comes complete with instructions on how to continue this wellness practice and make it a healthy habit.